Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Morgan Falls

It's mid-April..... tax day. So what do we have to rejoice over?  Nature, of course.

In the birdhouse on my front lawn, a little Brown-headed nuthatch resides.  She (and it has to be a she because she doesn't leave her home) peeps out and chides me as I walk towards the mailbox.  Apparently, there are some babies within and she doesn't want anyone disturbing her moment with the children.

Morgan Falls Overlook Park is a multi-use park in Sandy Springs.  It is found at 200 Morgan Falls Road

Foamflowers and wild Hydranga's are in bloom at Morgan Falls   These plants prefer the semi-shadey environs near the reservoir and are abundant right now.  I always enjoy the bloom of the Foamflower as it has a peachy flavor to the light an airy blossoms.  .

There are concrete walkways around the park as well which makes it well suited for those with disabilties
Sandy Springs, Georgia 30350.  The first entrance is a baseball park.  The second entrance further down the road has some lovely views of the reservoir and some woodland trails with an abundance of wildflowers and birds.

Even without rain there are interesting things

The mulberry trees have just finished fruiting and now the black berries are in full swing.  Of course, there are a few thorns to negotiate but, hey..... it just makes the endeavor so much more enjoyable.  Do remember that you should not consume any wild thing that is close to the roadside lest you ingest pollutants from automobiles.

Ah, but I digress.  The mulberry is not only a lovely fruit but it has some medicinal properties as well.  It is said to help diabetics as a dietary modulator.  The new leaves make a wonderful cooked vegetable or a cold salad after poaching.  The new leaves are forthcoming all spring and summer long so there is an abundance of this truly organic vegetable for those so inclined.  In fact, middle-easterners stuff mulberry leaves like the Greeks stuff grape leaves and enjoy them year round.  (As you can see, I am always thinking about ways to improve my organic supplies in an economical way).

While the heat has been a bit overwhelming at times that doesn't change the fact that there are always some plants able to thrive and survive.  The amaranth is now up along with the curly dock.  Definately two foods not to be missed!

As for things to do....

Wed. June 6 and 7 - Childrens walk at Kennesaw Mt. National Battlefield National Park.  Starts at 10am and ends at 11:30am. 

June 9 - Kids fish for fun   Aquarium, Warm Springs.  http://www.warmspringsfishfriends.org/   706-655-3382
                                             Also:    Walker State Park, Waycross  www.gastateparks.org/lauraswalker

June 9-10  Blairsville Scottish and Highland Festival  http://www.blairsvillescottishfestival.org/   706-745-2161

 June 10  Second Sundays on the Farm   Gen. Coffee State Park, Demostrations of life on a farm in the 1800's.  www.gastateparks.org/generalcoffee 

June 16 - Horse Show  Wills Park Equestrian Center  http://www.alpharetta.ga.us.com/  678-297-6000
June 16,  Senior Fishing Rodeo   A.H. Stephens Historic Park  Crawfordsville  www.gastateparks.org/ahstephens

June 22-24  Dixie Dock Dogs, http://www.dixiedockdogs.com/  706-946-6366

I'm sure there is a lot more to do in Georgia but we limit ourselves to the out of doors... things like fishing, foraging, hiking, birding....  Please let us know if you have an activity that you wish to list.  Contact is:  funghiwoman@gmail.com